Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 9

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 9

Shrotrm, chakshuH, sparshnm, ch, rasnam, ghraanm, ev, ch,
Adhishthaay, manH, ch, ayam, vishyaan, upsevte ||9||

Translation: (Ayam) this soul – a part of God (shrotrm) ears (chakshuH) eyes (ch) and (sparshnm) skin (ch) and (rasnam) tongue (ghraanm) nose (ch) and (manH) mind (adhishthaay) by means of (ev) only (vishyaan) sense objects i.e. sound, touch, form, taste, smell etc (upsevte) enjoys. Then the soul itself has to experience the results of those actions. (9)


This soul, a part of God, enjoys the sense objects i.e. sound, touch, form, taste, smell etc by means of ears, eyes, and skin, and tongue, nose and mind only. Then the soul itself has to experience the results of those actions.

श्रोत्रम्, चक्षुः, स्पर्शनम्, च, रसनम्, घ्राणम्, एव, च,
अधिष्ठाय, मनः, च, अयम्, विषयान्, उपसेवते।।9।।

अनुवाद: (अयम्) यह परमात्मा - अंश जीव आत्मा (श्रोत्राम्) कान (चक्षुः) आँख (च) और (स्पर्शनम्) त्वचा (च) और (रसनम्) रसना (घ्राणम्) नाक (च) और (मनः) मनके (अधिष्ठाय) माध्यम से (एव) ही (विषयान्) विषयों अर्थात् शब्द, स्पर्श, रूप, रस, गंध आदि का (उपसेवते) सेवन करता है। फिर उस का कर्म भोग जीवात्मा को ही भोगना पड़ता है। (9)