Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 17

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 17

KarmanH, hi, api, boddhvyam, boddhvyam, ch, vikarmanH,
AkarmanH, ch, boddhvyam, gahna, karmanH, gatiH ||17||

Translation: (KarmanH) the nature of the action which is in accordance with the injunctions of scriptures (api) also (boddhvyam) should be understood (ch) and (akarmanH) also the nature of inaction i.e. which is opposite to the ordinances of scriptures (boddhvyam) should be understood (ch) and (vikarmanH) the nature of vikarm i.e. evil acts like consumption of meat, alcohol, tobacco, and theft – bad conduct etc also (boddhvyam) should be understood (hi) because (karmanH) of action (gatiH) state (gahna) is profound. (17)


The nature of karm (action) which is in accordance with the injunctions of scriptures should be understood and the nature of akarm (inaction) which is opposite to the ordinances of scriptures should also be understood, and the nature of vikarm (evil acts) like consumption of meat, alcohol, tobacco, and theft-bad conduct etc should also be understood because the state of karm (action) is profound.


After understanding the Tatvgyan (the true spiritual knowledge), the knowledge of the benefits from the scripture-based acts of bhakti and the damage from the scripture-opposed acts of bhakti and from the evil acts like consumption of meat, alcohol, tobacco, theft, bad-conduct, and to lie etc is essential. For that there is a description in mantra 34 of this Adhyay.

कर्मणः, हि, अपि, बोद्धव्यम्, बोद्धव्यम्, च, विकर्मणः,
अकर्मणः, च, बोद्धव्यम्, गहना, कर्मणः, गतिः।।17।।

अनुवाद: (कर्मणः) शास्त्रा विधि अनुसार कर्मका स्वरूप (अपि) भी (बोद्धव्यम्) जानना चाहिये (च) और (अकर्मणः) शास्त्रा विधि रहित अर्थात् अकर्मका स्वरूप भी (बोद्धव्यम्) जानना चाहिए (च) तथा (विकर्मणः) मास-मदिरा तम्बाखु सेवन तथा चोरी - दुराचार आदि विकर्मका स्वरूप भी (बोद्धव्यम्) जानना चाहिए (हि) क्योंकि (कर्मणः) कर्मकी (गतिः) गति (गहना) गहन है। (17)

भावार्थ:- तत्वज्ञान को जान कर शास्त्रा अनुकूल भक्ति कर्म से होने वाले लाभ से तथा शास्त्रा विधि रहित भक्ति कर्म से तथा मांस, मदिरा, तम्बाखु सेवन व चोरी, दुराचार करना झूठ बोलना आदि बुरे कर्म से होने वाली हानि का ज्ञान होना अनिवार्य है। उसके लिए इस अध्याय के मंत्रा 34 में विवरण है।