Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 18

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 18

Karmani, akarm, yaH, pashyet, akarmani, ch, karm, yaH,
SaH, buddhimaan, manushyeshu, saH, yuktH, krtsannkarmkrt ||18||

Translation: (YaH) one who (karmani) action i.e. scripture-based acts of worship worthy of being performed (akarm) inaction i.e. abandoning the injunctions of scriptures, the arbitrary actions not worthy of being performed (pashyet) sees i.e. understands (ch) and (yaH) one who (akarmani) inaction i.e. does not perform the acts of worship which are opposite to scriptures and not worthy of being done (karm) action i.e. performs action worthy of being done (saH) he (manushyeshu) among men (buddhimaan) is wise and (saH) that (yuktH) yogi (krtsannkarmkrt) performs all the actions which are in accordance with the ordinances of scriptures. (18)


One who sees i.e. understands the karm/action i.e. scripture-based acts of worship worthy of being performed and akarm/inaction i.e. abandoning the injunctions of scriptures, arbitrary actions not worthy of being done, and who does not perform akarm i.e. does not perform the acts of worship which are opposite to the scriptures and are not worthy of being done, and performs karm i.e. actions worthy of being done, he is wise among men, and that yogi (devotee) performs all the actions in accordance with the ordinances of the scriptures.

कर्मणि, अकर्म, यः, पश्येत्, अकर्मणि, च, कर्म, यः,
सः, बुद्धिमान्, मनुष्येषु, सः, युक्तः, कृृत्स्न्नकर्मकृृत्।।18।।

अनुवाद: (यः) जो मनुष्य (कर्मणि) कर्म अर्थात् शास्त्रा अनुकूल साधना रूपी करने योग्य कर्म तथा (अकर्म) अकर्म अर्थात् शास्त्रा विधि त्याग कर मनमाना आचरण न करने योग्य कर्म को (पश्येत्) देखता है अर्थात् जान लेता है (च) और (यः) जो (अकर्मणि) अकर्म अर्थात् वह शास्त्रा विरुद्ध साधना न करने योग्य कर्म को नहीं करता (कर्म) कर्म अर्थात् करने योग्य कर्म को करता है (सः) वह (मनुष्येषु) मनुष्योंमें (बुद्धिमान्) बुद्धिमान है और (सः) वह (युक्तः) योगी (कृत्स्न्नकर्मकृत्) समस्त शास्त्रा विधि अनुसार ही कर्मोंको करनेवाला है। (18)