Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 20

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 20

Tyaktva, karmfalaasangam, nityatrptH, niraashryaH,
Karmni, abhiprvrtH, api, na, ev, kinchit, karoti, saH ||20||

Translation: (Karmfalaasangam) on the basis of Tatvgyan, the attachment in scripture-opposed actions and their fruits; completely (tyaktva) abandoning (nirashryaH) has become free from the scripture-opposed acts of bhakti and (nityatrptH) is always satisfied with the scripture-based acts of bhakti (saH) he (karmni) in worldly and scripture-based acts of bhakti (abhiprvrtH) while properly performing (api) even (ev) actually (kinchit) abandoning the ordinances of scriptures, any arbitrary way of worship (na) not (karoti) performs/follows. (20)


On the basis of Tatvgyan, completely abandoning the attachment in scripture-opposed actions and their fruits, has become free from the acts of bhakti opposite to those prescribed in scriptures and is always satisfied with the scripture-based acts of bhakti. He even when properly engaged in worldly and scripture-based acts of bhakti actually does not follow any arbitrary way of worship abandoning the ordinances of the scriptures.

त्यक्त्वा, कर्मफलासंगम्, नित्यतृप्तः, निराश्रयः,
कर्मणि, अभिप्रवृत्तः, अपि, न, एव, किंचित्, करोति, सः।।20।।

अनुवाद: (कर्मफलासंगम्) तत्वज्ञान के आधार से शास्त्रा विधि रहित कर्मोंमें और उनके फलमें आसक्ति का सर्वथा (त्यक्त्वा) त्याग करके (निराश्रयः) शास्त्रा विधि रहित भक्ति के कर्म से रहित हो गया है और (नित्यतृृप्तः) शास्त्रा अनुकूल साधना के कर्मों से नित्य तृप्त है (सः) वह (कर्मणि) संसारिक व शास्त्रा अनुकूल भक्ति कर्मोंमें (अभिप्रवृत्त) भलीभाँति बरतता हुआ (अपि) भी (एव) वास्तवमें (किंचित्) कुछ भी शास्त्रा विधि त्याग कर मनमाना आचरण अर्थात् मनमानी पूजा तथा दोषयुक्त कर्म (न) नहीं (करोति) करता। (20)