Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 29, 30

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 29, 30

Apaane, juhvati, praanm’, praane, apaanm’, tatha, apre,
Praanaapaangati, rud’dhva, praanaayaamparaayanaH ||29||

Apre, niyataahaaraH, praanaan’, praaneshu, juhvati,
Sarve, api, ete, yagyavidH, yagyakshpitkalmashaH ||30||

Translation: (Apre) Others (apaane) in the outgoing breath (praanm’) the incoming breath/breath air/life air (juhvati) try to burn sins in the form of sacrifice (tatha) likewise (praane) in the incoming breath (apaanm’) the outgoing breath and (apre) many others (niyataahaaraH) who eat in moderation (praanaayaamparaayanaH) devoted to breath control (praanaapaangati) movement of the incoming and the outgoing breath (ruddhva) restraining (praanaan’) by making the life-breaths minute (praaneshu) in life-breaths only (juhvati) try to burn in the form of sacrifice i.e. try to attain God by doing Praanayam (ete) these (sarve, api) all devotees (yagyakshpitkalmashaH) destruction of sins by the above-mentioned religious acts i.e. sadhnas (yagyavidH) consider the means of bhakti i.e. consider this sadhna only to be the path to salvation. (29-30)


Others try to sacrifice incoming breath into outgoing breath to burn sins. Likewise, sacrifice the outgoing breath into the incoming breath, and many others, who eat in moderation, devoted to breath control, by restraining the movement of the incoming and the outgoing breath, and by making their life-breaths minute try to burn them in the life-breaths only in the form of sacrifice i.e. try to attain God by doing Praanyam. All these devotees consider the above-mentioned religious acts i.e. sadhnas to be the means of bhakti which destroy sins. In other words consider this very sadhna to be the path to salvation.

अपाने, जुह्नति, प्राणम्, प्राणे, अपानम्, तथा, अपरे,
प्राणापानगती, रुद्ध्वा, प्राणायामपरायणाः।।29।।

अपरे, नियताहाराः, प्राणान्, प्राणेषु, जुह्नति,
सर्वे, अपि, एते, यज्ञविदः, यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः।।30।।

अनुवाद: (अपरे) दूसरे (अपाने) अपानवायुमें (प्राणम्) प्राणवायुको (जुह्नति) हवन की तरह पाप जलाने का प्रयत्न करते हैं। (तथा) वैसे ही (प्राणे) प्राणवायुमें (अपानम्) अपानवायुको करते हैं तथा (अपरे) अन्य कितने ही (नियताहाराः) नियमित आहार करनेवाले (प्राणायामपरायणाः) प्राणायामपरायण (प्राणापानगती) प्राण और अपानकी गतिको (रुद्ध्वा) रोककर (प्राणान्) प्राणोंको अर्थात् स्वांसों को सूक्ष्म करके (प्राणेषु) प्राणोंमें ही (जुह्नति) हवन की तरह जलाने का प्रयत्न किया करते हैं अर्थात् प्राणायाम करके ही प्रभु प्राप्ति के लिए प्रयत्न करते हैं। (एते) ये (सर्वे,अपि) सभी साधक (यज्ञक्षपितकल्मषाः) उपरोक्त धार्मिक कर्मों अर्थात् साधनाओं द्वारा पापोंका नाश कर देनेवाले (यज्ञविदः)भक्ति साधन समझते हैं अर्थात् इसी साधना को मोक्ष मार्ग मानते हैं। (29-30)