Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 13

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 13

TatH, shankhaH, ch, bheryaH, ch, panvaanakgomukhaH,
Sahsa, ev, abhyahanyant, saH, shabdH, tumulH, abhavat’ ||13|| 

Translation: (TatH) after that (shankhaH) conchshells (ch) and (bheryaH) kettle drums (ch) and (panvaanakgomukhaH) tabors, drums and horns etc instruments (sahsa) all together (ev) at once (abhyahanyant) blared forth; their (saH) that (shabdH) sound (tumulH) tumultuous (abhavat’) became. (13)

Translation: After that, conchshells and kettledrums and tabors, drums, and horns etc instruments all blared forth at once. Their that sound became tumultuous.

ततः, शङ्खाः, च, भेर्यः, च, पणवानकगोमुखाः,
सहसा, एव, अभ्यहन्यन्त, सः, शब्दः, तुमुलः, अभवत्।।13।।

अनुवाद: (ततः) इसके पश्चात् (शङ्खाः) शंख (च) और (भेर्यः) नगारे (च) तथा (पणवानक गोमुखाः) ढोल, मृदंग और नरसिंघे आदि बाजे (सहसा) एक साथ (एव) ही (अभ्यहन्यन्त) बज उठे। उनका (सः) वह (शब्दः) शब्द (तुमुलः) बड़ा भयंकर (अभवत्) हुआ। (13)