Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 17, 18

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 17, 18

KaashyaH, ch, parmeshvaasH, Shikhandi, ch, maharathH, 
DhrshtdhyumnH, viraatH, ch, saatyakiH, ch, apraajitH ||17||

DrupadH, DraupadeyaH, ch, sarvashH, prthiveepate,
SaubhadrH, ch, mahabaahuH, shankhaan’, dadhmuH, prthak’, prthak’ ||18||

Translation: (ParmeshvaasH) great archer (KaashyH) Kashiraj/ King of Kashi (ch) and (maharathH) great chariot-warrior (Shikhandi) Shikhandi (ch) and (DhrshtdhyumnH) Dhrishtdhyumn (ch) and (viraatH) King Viraat (ch) and (apraajitH) invincible (SaatyakiH) Satyaki (DrupadH) King Drupad (ch) and (DraupadeyaH) Draupadi’s five sons (ch) and (mahabaahuH) mighty-armed (SaubhadrH) Subhadra’s son Abhimanyu, all these (prthiveepate) Oh King! (sarvashH) from all directions (prthak’ - prthak’ ) separate-separate (shankhaan’) conchshells (dadhmuH) blew. (17- 18)

Translation: The great archer, Kashiraj, and the great chariot–warrior, Shikhandi and Dhrishtdhyumn and King Viraat, and the invincible Satyaki, King Drupad, and Draupadi’s five sons and mighty-armed Subhadra’s son Abhimanyu, all of these, Oh King, blew their separate-separate conchshells from all directions.

काश्यः, च, परमेष्वासः, शिखण्डी, च, महारथः,
धृष्टद्युम्नः, विराटः, च, सात्यकिः, च, अपराजितः।।17।।

द्रुपद:, द्रौपदेयाः, च, सर्वशः, पृथिवीपते,
सौभद्रः, च, महाबाहुः, शङ्खान्, दध्मुः, पृथक्, पृथक्।।18।।

अनुवाद: (परमेष्वासः) श्रेष्ठ धनुषवाले (काश्यः) काशिराज (च) और (महारथः) महारथी (शिखण्डी) शिखण्डी (च) एवं (धृष्टद्युम्नः) धृष्टद्युम्न (च) तथा (विराटः) राजा विराट (च) और (अपराजितः) अजेय (सात्यकिः) सात्यकि (दु्रपदः) राजा द्रुपद (च) एवं (द्रौपदेयाः) द्रौपदीके पाँचों पुत्रा (च) और (महाबाहुः) बड़ी भुजावाले (सौभद्रः) सुभद्रापुत्रा अभिमन्यु इन सभीने (पृथिवीपते) हे राजन्! (सर्वशः) सब ओरसे (पृथक्-पृथक्) अलग-अलग (शङ्खान्) शंख (दध्मुः) बजाये। (18)