Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 24, 25

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 24, 25

(Sanjay uvaach)

Evam’, uktH, hrsheekeshH, gudaakeshen, bharat,
SenyoH, ubhyoH, madhye, sthaapayitva, sthottmm’ ||24||

BheeshmdronpramukhatH, sarveshaam’, ch, maheekshitaam’
Uvaach, Paarth, pashya, etaan’, samvetaan’, Kurun’, iti ||25||

(Sanjay said)

Translation: (Bharat) Oh Dhritrashtr! (Gudaakeshen) by Arjun (evam’) thus (uktH) said (hrsheekeshH) Maharaj Shri Krishnachandra (ubhyoH) both (senyoH) armies (madhye) in the middle (bheeshmdronpramukhatH) in front of Bheeshm and Dronacharya (ch) and (sarveshaam’) all (maheekshitaam’) in front of the kings (rathottmm’) magnificent chariot (sthaapayitva) placing (iti) thus (uvaach) said that (Paarth) Oh Paarth! for the fight (samvetaan’) assembled (etaan’) these (Kurun’) Kauravs (pashya) behold. (24-25)

Translation: Oh Dhritrashtr! Thus addressed by Arjun, Maharaj Shri Krishnachandra having placed the magnificent chariot in the middle of the two armies in front of Bheeshm and Dronacharya and in front of all the kings, thus said that Oh Paarth! Behold these Kauravs assembled to fight.

(संजय उवाच)

एवम्, उक्तः, हृषीकेशः, गुडाकेशेन, भारत,
सेनयोः, उभयोः, मध्ये, स्थापयित्वा, रथोत्तमम्।।24।।

भीष्मद्रोणप्रमुखतः, सर्वेषाम्, च, महीक्षिताम्,
उवाच, पार्थ, पश्य, एतान्, समवेतान्, कुरून्, इति।।25।।

अनुवाद: (भारत) हे धृतराष्ट्र! (गुडाकेशेन) अर्जुनद्वारा (एवम्) इस प्रकार (उक्तः) कहे हुए (हृषीकेशः) महाराज श्रीकृणचन्द्रने (उभयोः) दोनों (सेनयोः) सेनाओंके (मध्ये) बीचमें (भीष्मद्रोणप्रमुखतः) भीष्म और द्रोणाचार्यके सामने (च) तथा (सर्वेषाम्) सम्पूर्ण (महीक्षिताम्) राजाओंके सामने (रथोत्तमम्) उत्तम रथको (स्थापयित्वा) खड़ा करके (इति) इस प्रकार (उवाच) कहा कि (पार्थ) हे पार्थ! युद्ध के लिये (समवेतान्) जुटे हुए (एतान्) इन (कुरून्) कौरवोंको (पश्य) देख। (24, 25)