Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 47

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 47

Evam’, uktva, ArjunH, sankhye, rathopasthe, upaavishat’,
Visrjya, sasharam’, chaapam’, shoksanvignmaanasH ||47 ||

Translation: (Sankhye) in the battlefield (shoksanvign) perturbed with grief (maaansH) mind (ArjunH) Arjun (evam’) thus (uktva) having said (sasharam’) along with arrow (chaapam’) bow (visrjya) cast aside (rathopasthe) on the rear end of chariot (upaavishat’) sat down. (47)

Translation: In the battlefield, having spoken thus, Arjun with his mind perturbed with grief, cast aside bow and arrows and sat down on the rear end of the chariot.

(End of Adhyay 1)

एवम्, उक्त्वा, अर्जुनः, सङ्ख्ये, रथोपस्थे, उपाविशत्,
विसृज्य, सशरम्, चापम्, शोकसंविग्नमानसः।।47।।

अनुवाद: (सङ्ख्ये) रणभूमिमें (शोकसंविग्न) शोकसे उद्विग्न (मानसः) मनवाला (अर्जुनः) अर्जुन (एवम्) इस प्रकार (उक्त्वा) कहकर (सशरम्) बाणसहित (चापम्) धनुषको (विसृज्य) त्यागकर (रथोपस्थे) रथके पिछले भागमें (उपाविशत्) बैठ गया। (47)

(इति अध्याय प्रथम)