Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 1

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 1

(Arjun uvaach)

Evam, satatyuktaH, ye, bhaktaH, tvaam, paryupaaste,
Ye, ch, api, aksharam, avyaktam, teshaam, ke, yogvittmaH ||1||

(Arjun said)

Translation: (Ye) those (bhaktaH) devotees (evam) in the earlier mentioned way (satatyuktaH) by constantly engaging in your bhajan[1]- meditation (tvaam) you (ch) and (ye) those who only (aksharam) the eternal Sachchidanandghan (avyaktam) the invisible one (api) also (paryupaaste) worship in the most superior way (teshaam) of these two types of worshippers (yogvittmaH) the best knower of yog i.e. who accurately knows the method of bhakti  (ke) who is? (1)


Those devotees who worship you in the earlier mentioned way by constantly engaging in your bhajan-meditation, and those who only worship the eternal, invisible Sachchidanandghan in the most superior way, of these two types of worshippers, who is the best knower of yog i.e. who accurately knows the method of bhakti?

(अर्जुन उवाच)

एवम्, सततयुक्ताः, ये, भक्ताः, त्वाम्, पर्युपासते,
ये, च, अपि, अक्षरम्, अव्यक्तम्, तेषाम्, के, योगवित्तमाः।।1।।

अनुवाद: (ये) जो (भक्ताः) भक्तजन (एवम्) पूर्र्वोंक्त प्रकारसे (सततयुक्ताः) निरंन्तर आपके भजन-ध्यानमें लगे रहकर (त्वाम्) आप (च) और (ये) दूसरे जो केवल (अक्षरम्) अविनाशी सच्चिदानन्दघन (अव्यक्तम्) अदृश को (अपि) भी (पर्युपासते) अतिश्रेष्ठ भावसे भजते हैं (तेषाम्) उन दोनों प्रकारके उपासकोंमें (योगवित्तमाः) अति उत्तम योगवेता अर्थात् यथार्थ रूप से भक्ति विधि को जानने वाला(के) कौन हैं?(1)

[1] Thought, rememberance, prayer