Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 11

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 11

Ath, etat, api, ashaktH, asi, kartum, madhyogam, aashritH,
Sarvkarmfaltyaagm, tatH, kuru, yataatmvaan ||11||

Translation: (Ath) if (madhyogam) yog of actions based on my opinion (aashritH) resorting to (etat) the above-mentioned method (kartum) in following (api) also (ashaktH) incapable (asi) are (tatH) then (yataatmvaan) strive through (Sarvkarmfaltyaagm) renounce the fruits of all actions (kuru) do. (11)


If you are also incapable of following the above-mentioned method by resorting to the yog of actions based on my opinion, then strive through renouncing the fruits of all actions.

अथ, एतत्, अपि, अशक्तः, असि, कर्तुम्, मद्योगम्, आश्रितः,
सर्वकर्मफलत्यागम्, ततः, कुरु, यतात्मवान्।।11।।

अनुवाद: (अथ) यदि (मद्योगम्) मेरे मतानुसार कर्म योगके (आश्रितः) आश्रित होकर (एतत्) उपर्युक्त साधनको (कर्तुम्) करनेमें (अपि) भी तू (अशक्तः) असमर्थ (असि) है (ततः) तो (यतात्मवान्) प्रयत्नशील हो कर (सर्वकर्मफलत्यागम्) सब कर्मोंके फलका त्याग (कुरु) कर। (11)