Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 15

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 15

Yasmaat, na, udwijate, lokH, lokaat, na, udwijte, ch, yaH,
HarshaamarshbhyodwegaeH, muktH, yaH, saH, ch, me, priyaH ||15||

Translation: (Yasmaat) by whom (lokH) any living being (na, udwijte) is not agitated (ch) and (yaH) who himself also (lokaat) by any living being (na, udwijte) is not agitated (ch) and (yaH) who (harshamarshbhyodwegaeH) elation, resentment, fear, and anxiety etc (muktH) is free from (saH) that bhakt (me) to me (priyaH) is dear. (15)


He by whom no living being is agitated and who himself is not agitated by any living being, and who is free from elation, resentment, fear and anxiety etc, that bhakt is dear to me.

यस्मात्, न, उद्विजते, लोकः, लोकात्, न, उद्विजते, च, यः,
हर्षामर्षभयोद्वेगैः, मुक्तः, यः, सः, च, मे, प्रियः।।15।।

अनुवाद: (यस्मात्) जिससे (लोकः) कोई भी जीव (न,उद्विजते) उद्वेगको प्राप्त नहीं होता (च) और (यः) जो स्वयं भी (लोकात्) किसी जीवसे (न, उद्विजते) उद्वेगको प्राप्त नहीं होता (च) तथा (यः) जो (हर्षामर्षभयोद्वेगैः) हर्ष, अमर्ष भय और उद्वेगादिसे (मुक्तः) रहित है (सः) वह भक्त (मे) मुझको (प्रियः) प्रिय है। (15)