Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 2

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 2

(Bhagwan uvaach)

Myi, aaveshya, manH, ye, mam, nityayuktaH, upaaste,
Shraddhya, parya, upetaH, te, me, yuktatmaH, mtaH ||2||

(God said)

Translation: (Myi) in me (manH) mind (aaveshya) by concentrating (nityayuktaH) constantly engaged in my bhajan-meditation (ye) those devotees who (parya) supreme (shraddhya) with faith (upetaH) endowed with (mam) me (upaaste) worship (te) they (me) to me (yuktatmaH) best among the worshippers (mtaH) this is my opinion. (2)


Those devotees who by concentrating their mind in me constantly engaged in my bhajan-meditation worship me with supreme faith, I consider them the best among the worshippers. This is my opinion.

(भगवान उवाच)

मयि, आवेश्य, मनः, ये, माम्, नित्ययुक्ताः, उपासते,
श्रद्धया, परया, उपेताः, ते, मे, युक्ततमाः, मताः।।2।।

अनुवाद: (मयि) मुझमें (मनः) मनको (आवेश्य) एकाग्र करके (नित्ययुक्ताः) निरन्तर मेरे भजन ध्यानमें लगे हुए (ये) जो भक्तजन (परया) अतिशय श्रेष्ठ (श्रद्धया) श्रद्धासे (उपेताः) युक्त होकर (माम्) मुझे (उपासते) भजते हैं, (ते) वे (मे) मुझको (युक्ततमाः) साधकों में अति उत्तम (मताः) मान्य है ये मेरे विचार हैं। (2)