Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 6

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 Verse 6

Ye, tu, sarvaani, karmaani, myi, sannyasya, matpraH,
Ananyen, ev, yogen, mam, dhyaayantH, upaaste ||6||

Translation: (Tu) but (ye) those (matpraH) Matavlambi devotees dedicated to me (sarvaani) all (karmaani) actions (myi) unto me (sannyasya) surrendering (mam) me, the God with qualities (ev) only (ananyen) exclusive (yogen) with devotion (dhyaayantH) constantly absorbed in thoughts (upaaste) worship. (6)


But those matavlambi devotees who are dedicated to me, who by surrendering all their actions unto me only worship me, the God with qualities, with exclusive devotion by being constantly absorbed in my thoughts.

ये, तु, सर्वाणि, कर्माणि, मयि, सóयस्य, मत्पराः,
अनन्येन, एव, योगेन, माम्, ध्यायन्तः, उपासते।।6।।

अनुवाद: (तु) परंतु (ये) जो (मत्पराः) मतावलम्बी मेरे परायण रहनेवाले भक्तजन (सर्वाणि) सम्पूर्ण (कर्माणि) कर्मोंको (मयि) मुझमें (सóयस्य) अर्पण करके (माम्) मुझ सगुणरूप परमेश्वरको (एव) ही (अनन्येन) अनन्य (योगेन) भक्तियोगसे (ध्यायन्तः) निरन्तर चिन्तन करते हुए (उपासते) भजते हैं। (6)