Chapter 18 Verse 25

Chapter 18 Verse 25

Anubandham, kshayam, hinsaam, anvekshya, ch, paurusham,
Mohaat, aarabhyate, karm, yat, tat, taamsam, uchyate ||25||

Translation: (Yat) which (karm) action (anubandham) result (kshayam) loss (hinsaam) violence (ch) and (paurusham) capability (anvekshya) without considering (mohat) only with ignorance (aarabhyate) is commenced (tat) that action (taamsam) Tamas (uchyate) is said to be. (25)


An action which without considering the result, loss, violence and capability, is only commenced with ignorance, that action is said to be Tamas.

अनुबन्धम्, क्षयम्, हिंसाम् अनवेक्ष्य, च, पौरुषम्,
मोहात्, आरभ्यते, कर्म, यत्, तत्, तामसम्, उच्यते।।25।।

अनुवाद: (यत्) जो (कर्म) कर्म (अनुबन्धम्) परिणाम (क्षयम्) हानि (हिंसाम्) हिंसा (च) और (पौरुषम्) सामथ्र्यको (अनवेक्ष्य) न विचारकर (मोहात्) केवल अज्ञानसे (आरभ्यते) आरम्भ किया जाता है (तत्) वह कर्म (तामसम्) तामस (उच्यते) कहा जाता है। (25)