Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 39

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 39

Yat, agre, ch, anubandhe, ch, sukham, mohnam, aatmanH,
Nidraalasyaprmaadottham, tat, taamsam, udaahrtam ||39||

Translation: (Yat) which (sukham) happiness (ch) and (agre) at first at the time of experience (ch) and (anubandhe) in the end (aatmanH) soul (mohnam) deludes (tat) that (nidraalasyaprmaadottham) happiness arising from sleep, laziness and wrongdoing (taamsam) Tamas (udaahrtam) is said to be. (39)


The happiness which deludes the soul first at the time of experience and in the end, that happiness arising from sleep, laziness and wrongdoing, is said to be Tamas.

यत्, अग्रे, च, अनुबन्धे, च, सुखम् मोहनम्, आत्मनः,
निद्रालस्यप्रमादोत्थम्, तत्, तामसम्, उदाहृतम्।।39।।

अनुवाद: (यत्) जो (सुखम्) सुख (च) तथा (अग्रे) पहले भोगकालमें (च) तथा (अनुबन्धे) परिणाममें (आत्मनः) आत्माको (मोहनम्) मोहित करनेवाला है (तत्) वह (निद्रालस्यप्रमादोत्थम्) निंद्रा आलस्य और प्रमाद से उत्पन्न सुख (तामसम्) तामस (उदाहृतम्) कहा गया है। (39)