Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 59

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 59

Yat, ahankaarm, aashritya, na, yotsye, iti, manyase,
Mithya, eshH, vyavasaayH, te, prakritiH, tvaam, niyokshyati ||59||

Translation: (Yat) this that (ahankaarm) ego (aashritya) taking shelter of / out of (iti) this (manyase) are thinking that (na, yotsye) I will not fight (te) your (eshH) this (vyavasaayH) resolve (mithya) is false, because your (prakritiH) Kshatriya nature (tvaam) you (niyokshyati) will compel to fight. (59)


If, out of ego, you are thinking this that ‘I willl not fight’, this resolve of yours is false because your Kshatriya nature will compel you to fight.

यत्, अहंकारम्, आश्रित्य, न, योत्स्ये, इति, मन्यसे,
मिथ्या, एषः, व्यवसायः, ते, प्रकृतिः, त्वाम्, नियोक्ष्यति।।59।।

अनुवाद: (यत्) जो तू (अहंकारम्) अहंकारका (आश्रित्य) आश्रय लेकर (इति) यह (मन्यसे) मान रहा है कि (न,योत्स्ये) मैं युद्ध नहीं करूँगा, (ते) तेरा (एषः) यह (व्यवसायः) निश्चय (मिथ्या) मिथ्या है क्योंकि तेरा (प्रकृतिः) क्षत्राी स्वभाव (त्वाम्) तुझे (नियोक्ष्यति) जबरदस्ती युद्धमें लगा देगा। (59)