Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 7

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 7

Niyatasya, tu, sannyaasH, karmanH, na, uppadhyate,
Mohaat, tasya, parityaagH, taamasH, parikeertitH ||7||

Translation: (Tu) but (niyatasya) prescribed scripture-based (karmanH) act (sannyaasH) renunciation (na, uppadhyate) is not right (mohaat) because of delusion being emotional out of ignorance (tasya) its (parityaagH) abandonment (taamasH) Tamas (prikeertitH) Tyaag, is said to be. (7)


But the renunciation of prescribed scripture-based act is not right. Its abandonment out of ignorance because of being emotional out of delusion is said to be Tamas Tyaag.

नियतस्य, तु, सóयासः, कर्मणः, न, उपपद्यते,
मोहात्, तस्य, परित्यागः, तामसः, परिकीर्तितः।।7।।

अनुवाद: (तु) परंतु (नियतस्य) नियत शास्त्रानुकूल (कर्मणः) कर्मका (सóयासः) त्याग (न,उपपद्यते) उचित नहीं है (मोहात्) मोहके कारण अज्ञानता वश भाविक होकर (तस्य) उसका (परित्यागः) त्याग कर देना (तामसः) तामस (परिकीर्तितः) त्याग कहा गया है। (7)