Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 10

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 10

Brahmni, aadhaay, karmaani, sangam, tyaktva, karoti, yaH,
Lipyate, na, saH, paapen, padampatram, iv, ambhsa ||10||

Translation: (YaH) A person who (karmaani) all actions (brahmni) to the Supreme God (aadhaay) offering and (sangam) attachment (tyaktva) abandoning; action in accordance with the ordinances of the scriptures (karoti) does (saH) that devotee (ambhsa) by water (padampatram) lotus leaf (iv) just as (paapen) by sin (na, lipyate) does not get stained i.e. by bhakti of the Supreme God, a devotee becomes free from all bondages which are formed as a result of sinful actions. (10)


A person who, offering all actions to the Purna Parmatma and abandoning attachment, acts in accordance with the ordinances of the scriptures, that devotee does not become stained by sin just as a lotus leaf is not tainted by water i.e. by bhakti of the Supreme God a devotee becomes free from all bondages which are formed as a result of sinful actions.

ब्रह्मणि, आधाय, कर्माणि, संगम्, त्यक्त्वा, करोति, यः,
लिप्यते, न, सः, पापेन, पद्मपत्राम्, इव, अम्भसा।।1।।

अनुवाद: (यः) जो पुरुष (कर्माणि) सब कर्मोंको (ब्रह्मणि) पूर्ण परमात्मामें (आधाय) अर्पण करके और (संगम्) आसक्तिको (त्यक्त्वा) त्यागकर शास्त्रा विधि अनुसार कर्म (करोति) करता है (सः) वह साधक (अम्भसा) जलसे (पद्मपत्राम्) कमलके पत्ते की (इव) भाँति (पापेन) पापसे (न, लिप्यते) लिप्त नहीं होता अर्थात् पूर्ण परमात्मा की भक्ति से साधक सर्व बन्धनों से मुक्त हो जाता है जो पाप कर्म के कारण बन्धन बनता है। (10)