Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 11

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 11

Kaayen, mansa, buddhya, kevlaeH, indriyaeH, api,
YoginH, karm, kurvanti, sangam, tyaktva, aatmshuddhye ||11||

Translation: (YoginH) like a stay in a hotel, bhakts living in this world (kevlaeH) only (indriyaeH) senses (mansa) mind (buddhya) intellect and (kaayen) through body (api) also (sangam) attachment (tyaktva) abandoning (aatmshuddhye) for purification of inner-self i.e. for self-wellbeing (karm) acts like sumiran of Satnaam, charity, service to Satguru, and good conduct in the world (kurvanti) perform. (11)


Like a stay in a hotel, bhakts living in this world even by only abandoning attachment through senses, mind, intellect and body perform actions like sumiran of Satnaam, charity, service to Satguru and good conduct in the world for purification of the inner-self i.e. for self-wellbeing.

कायेन, मनसा, बुद्धया, केवलैः, इन्द्रियैः, अपि,
योगिनः, कर्म, कुर्वन्ति, संगम्, त्यक्त्वा, आत्मशुद्धये।।11।।

अनुवाद: (योगिनः) होटल में निवास की तरह संसार में रहने वाले भक्त (केवलैः) केवल (इन्द्रियैः) इन्द्रिय (मनसा) मन (बुद्धया) बुद्धि और (कायेन) शरीरद्वारा (अपि) भी (संगम्) आसक्तिको (त्यक्त्वा) त्यागकर (आत्मशुद्धये) अन्तःकरणकी शुद्धिके लिये अर्थात् आत्म कल्याण के लिए (कर्म) सत्यनाम सुमरण, दान, सतगुरु सेवा व संसार में शुद्ध आचरण रूपी कर्म (कुर्वन्ति) करते हैं। (11)