Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 18

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 18

Vidhyaavinaysampanne, brahmane, gavi, hastini,
Shuni, ch, ev, shwapaake, ch, panditaH, samdarshinH ||18||

Translation: (Vidhyaavinaysampanne) fully equipped with the hidden Tatvgyan/true spiritual knowledge i.e. a completely Tatvgyani[1] devotee (brahmane) in a Brahmin (gavi) in a cow (hastini) in an elephant (ch) and (shuni) in a dog (ch) and (shwapaake) in an out-caste (samdarshinH) looks upon with equanimity; in reality, he who is equipped with such characteristics (panditaH) is a learned i.e. a Tatvgyani (ev) indeed. (18)


Fully equipped with the hidden Tatvgyan (true spiritual knowledge) i.e. a completely Tatvgyani devotee looks upon a Brahmin, a cow, an elephant and a dog and an out-caste with equanimity. In reality, he who possesses such characteristics is indeed a learned i.e. a Tatvgyani.

विद्याविनयसम्पन्ने, ब्राह्मणे, गवि, हस्तिनि,
शुनि, च, एव, श्वपाके, च, पण्डिताः, समदर्शिनः।।18।।

अनुवाद: (विद्याविनयसम्पन्ने) गुप्त तत्वज्ञान से परिपूर्ण अर्थात् पूर्ण तत्वज्ञानी साधक (ब्राह्मणे) ब्राह्मण में (गवि) गाय में (हस्तिनि) हाथी में (च) तथा (शुनि) कुत्ते (च) और (श्वपाके) चाण्डालमें (समदर्शिनः) एक समान समझता है अर्थात् एक ही भाव रखता है वास्तव में इन लक्षणों से युक्त हैं (पण्डिताः) ज्ञानीजन अर्थात् तत्वज्ञानी (एव) ही है। (18)

[1] One who has complete knowledge of  the true spiritual knowledge