Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 22

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 22

Ye, hi, sansparshjaH, bhogaH, duHkhyonayH, ev, te,
AadhyantvantH, kauntey, na, teshu, ramte, budhH ||22||

Translation: (Ev) In reality (ye) these senses and (sansparshjaH) born of combination of sense objects (bhogaH) all pleasures (te) they (hi) certainly (duHkhyonayH) are causes of miserable births and (aadhyantvantH) have a beginning and an end i.e. are not eternal. (Kauntey) oh Arjun! (budhH) a wise, discerning man (teshu) in them (na) not (ramte) get attracted. (22)


In reality, all these pleasures which are born of the combination of senses and the sense objects are certainly the causes of the miserable births, and have a beginning and an end i.e. are not eternal. Oh Arjun! A wise, discerning man does not become attracted to them.

ये, हि, संस्पर्शजाः, भोगाः, दुःखयोनयः, एव, ते,
आद्यन्तवन्तः, कौन्तेय, न, तेषु, रमते, बुधः।।22।।

अनुवाद: (एव) वास्तव में (ये) जो ये इन्द्रिय तथा (संस्पर्शजाः) विषयोंके संयोगसे उत्पन्न होनेवाले (भोगाः) सब भोग हैं (ते) वे (हि) निश्चय ही (दुःखयोनयः) कष्ट दायक योनियों के ही हेतु हैं और (आद्यन्तवन्तः) आदि-अन्तवाले अर्थात् अनित्य हैं। (कौन्तेय) हे अर्जुन! (बुधः) बुद्धिमान् विवेकी पुरुष (तेषु) उनमें (न) नहीं (रमते) रमता। (22)