Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 24

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 24

YaH, antHsukhH, antaraaraamH, tatha, antarjyotiH, ev, yaH,
SaH, yogi, brahmnirvaanm, brahmbhootH, adhigachchhati ||24||

Translation: (YaH) A man who (ev) having determined (antHsukhH) is happy within his inner self (antaraaraamH) the Supreme God who lives with the soul in an omniscient form; is engrossed in that omniscient God only (tatha) and (yaH) who (antarjyotiH) is illuminated from within i.e. does not go astray while doing true bhakti based on the knowledge of holy scriptures (saH) that (brahmbhootH) having God-like qualities (yogi) devotee (brahmnirvaanm) peaceful Brahm i.e. the Supreme God (adhigachchhati) attains. (24)


A determined man who is happy within his inner soul, who is engrossed in that omniscient God only who lives with the soul in an omniscient form and who is illuminated from within i.e. who does not go astray while doing true bhakti based on the knowledge of holy scriptures, that devotee endowed with God-like qualities attains the peaceful Brahm i.e the Supreme God.

यः, अन्तःसुखः, अन्तरारामः, तथा, अन्तज्र्योतिः, एव, यः,
सः, योगी, ब्रह्मनिर्वाणम्, ब्रह्मभूतः, अधिगच्छति।।24।।

अनुवाद: (यः) जो पुरुष (एव) निश्चय करके (अन्तःसुखः) अन्तःकरण में ही सुखवाला है (अन्तरारामः) पूर्ण परमात्मा जो अन्तर्यामी रूप में आत्मा के साथ है उसी अन्तर्यामी परमात्मा में ही रमण करनेवाला है (तथा) तथा (यः) जो (अन्तज्र्योतिः) अन्तः करण प्रकाश वाला अर्थात् सत्य भक्ति शास्त्रा ज्ञान अनुसार करता हुआ मार्ग से भ्रष्ट नहीं होता (सः) वह (ब्रह्मभूतः) परमात्मा जैसे गुणों युक्त (योगी) भक्त (ब्रह्मनिर्वाणम्) शान्त ब्रह्म अर्थात् पूर्ण परमात्माको (अधिगच्छति) प्राप्त होता है। (24)