SannyaasH, tu, mahabaaho, duHkham, aaptum, ayogatH,
YogyuktH, muniH, Brahm, nachiren, adhigachchhati ||6||
Translation: (Mahabaaho) O Arjun! (tu) contrary to this (sannyaasH) Karm Sanyas / renunciation of action (ayogatH) because of being a sadhna opposite to injunctions of holy scriptures (duHkham) misery only (aaptum) leads to (yogyuktH) having sadhna in accordance with the scriptures (muniH) devotee (Brahm) God (nachiren) promptly (adhigachchhati) attains. (6)
O Arjun! Contrary to this, Karm Sanyas / renunciation of action because of being a sadhna opposite to the injunctions of holy scriptures leads to only misery, and a devotee who has sadhna in accordance with the scriptures attains God promptly.
सóयासः, तु, महाबाहो, दुःखम्, आप्तुम्, अयोगतः,
योगयुक्तः, मुनिः, ब्रह्म, नचिरेण, अधिगच्छति।।6।।
अनुवाद: (महाबाहो) हे अर्जुन! (तु) इसके विपरित (सóयास) कर्म सन्यास से तो (अयोगतः) शास्त्रा विधि रहित साधना होने के कारण (दुःखम्) दुःख ही (आप्तुम्) प्राप्त होता है तथा (योगयुक्तः) शास्त्रा अनुकूल साधना प्राप्त (मुनिः) साधक (ब्रह्म) प्रभु को (नचिरेण) अविलम्ब ही (अधिगच्छति) प्राप्त हो जाता है। (6)