Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 7

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Verse 7

YogyuktH, vishuddhaatma, vijitaatma, jitendriyaH,
Sarvbhootaatmbhootaatma, kurvan, api, na, lipyate ||7||

Translation: (Vijitaatma) he, whose mind is free from doubt due to Tatvgyan and true bhakti (jitendriyaH) who has conquered senses (vishuddhaatma) holy soul and (sarvbhootaatmbhootaatma) by true bhakti of the Master of all living beings, considering all the living beings as one in soul form, one who has gained Tatvgyan while living in the world (yogyuktH) engrossed in true bhakti (kurvan) while doing worldly actions (api) even (na, lipyate) does not get lost i.e. does not get attracted to offspring and wealth. Because he becomes enlightened through Tatvgyan that this offspring and wealth are not mine. For instance, if a person is staying in a hotel, there he does not consider the servants and other materials (T.V., sofa set, telephone, bed, and the room in which he is staying) as his. That person knows that these are not mine. Therefore neither does he hate them nor develops any attachment and does not forget his main goal. Therefore, without considering the house in which we are living, all this wealth and offsprings as ours, at the same time while living lovingly, we should maintain the desire to attain God. (7)


He, whose mind is free from doubt due to Tatvgyan and true bhakti, a holy soul who has conquered his senses, that living being, who has gained Tatvgyan, by true bhakti of the Master of all the living beings considering all the living beings as one in soul form, while living in the world engrossed in true bhakti, and while doing worldly actions, does not get lost i.e. does not get attracted to offspring and wealth. Because he becomes enlightened through Tatvgyan that this offspring and wealth are not mine. For instance, if a person is staying in a hotel, there he does not consider the servants and other materials (T.V., sofa set, telephone, bed, and the room in which he is staying) as his. That person knows that these are not mine. Therefore neither does he hate them nor develops any attachment and does not forget his main goal. Therefore, without considering the house in which we are living, all this wealth and offsprings as ours, at the same time while living lovingly, we should maintain the desire to attain God.

योगयुक्तः, विशुद्धात्मा, विजितात्मा, जितेन्द्रियः,
सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा, कुर्वन्, अपि, न, लिप्यते।।7।।

अनुवाद: (विजितात्मा) तत्वज्ञान तथा सत्य भक्ति से जिसका मन संस्य रहित है, (जितेन्द्रियः) इन्द्री जीता हुआ (विशुद्धात्मा) पवित्रा आत्मा और (सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा) सर्व प्राणियों के मालिक की सत्यसाधना से सर्व प्राणियों को आत्मा रूप में एक समझकर तत्वज्ञान को प्राप्त प्राणी संसार में रहता हुआ (योगयुक्तः) सत्य साधना में लगा हुआ (कुर्वन्) सांसारिक कर्म करता हुआ (अपि) भी (न, लिप्यते) लिप्त नहीं होता अर्थात् सन्तान व सम्पत्ति में आसक्त नहीं होता। क्योंकि उसे तत्वज्ञान से ज्ञान हो जाता है कि यह सन्तान व सम्पति अपनी नहीं है। जैसे कोई व्यक्ति किसी होटल में रह रहा हो, वहाँ के नौकरों व अन्य सामान जैसे टी.वी., सोफा सेट, दूरभाष, चारपाई व जिस कमरे में रह रहा है को अपना नहीं समझता उस व्यक्ति को पता होता है कि ये वस्तुऐं मेरी नहीं हंै। इसलिए उन से द्वेष भी नहीं होता तथा लगाव भी नहीं बनता तथा अपने मूल उद्देश्य को नहीं भूलता। इसलिए जिस घर में हम रह रहे हैं, इस सर्व सम्पत्ति व सन्तान को अपना न समझ कर प्रेम पूर्वक रहते हुए प्रभु प्राप्ति की लगन लगाए रखें। (7)