Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 18

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 18

Yadaa, viniyatam, chittam, aatmani, ev, avtishthate,
NiHsprhH, sarvkamebhyaH, yuktH, iti, uchyate, tadaa ||18||

Translation: (Viniyatam) a perfectly disciplined in the scripture-based bhakti of one Supreme God (chittam) mind (yadaa) when (aatmani) in God (ev) only (avtishthate) becomes firmly fixed (tadaa) at that time (sarvkaamebhyaH) from all desires (niHsprH) free (yuktH) equipped with bhakti i.e. is engrossed in bhakti (iti) it (uchyate) is said. (18)


When a perfectly disciplined mind in the scripture-based bhakti of one Supreme God, in reality, becomes firmly fixed in God only, at that time, it is said that free from all desires it is equipped with bhakti i.e. is engrossed in bhakti.

यदा, विनियतम्, चित्तम्, आत्मनि, एव, अवतिष्ठते,
निःस्पृहः, सर्वकामेभ्यः, युक्तः, इति, उच्यते, तदा।।18।।

अनुवाद: (विनियतम्) एक पूर्ण परमात्मा की शास्त्रा अनुकूल भक्ति में अत्यन्त नियमित किया हुआ (चित्तम्) चित (यदा) जिस स्थितिमें (आत्मनि) परमात्मा में (एव) ही (अवतिष्ठते) भलीभाँति स्थित हो जाता है (तदा) उस कालमें (सर्वकामेभ्यः) सम्पूर्ण मनोकामनाओंसे (निःस्पृृहः) मुक्त (युक्तः) भक्तियुक्त अर्थात् भक्ति में संलग्न है (इति) ऐसा (उच्यते) कहा जाता है। (18)