Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 22

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 Verse 22

Yam, labdhva, ch, aparam, laabham, manyate, na, adhikam, tatH,
Yasmin, sthitH, na, duHkhen, guruna, api, vichaalyate ||22||

Translation: (Yam) which; a sadhak who fixes his mind on only one God by scripture-based sadhna of only one Supreme God (laabham) the benefit (labdhva) having obtained (tatH) then that (adhikam) greater (aparam) any other benefit (na, manyate) does not consider (ch) and (yasmin) as result of which (sthitH) a devotee steady on the path of true bhakti (guruna) deepest (duHkhen) sorrow (api) even (na, vichaalyate) is not shaken. (22)


The benefit after having obtained which a sadhak, who fixes his mind on only one God by scripture-based sadhna of only one Supreme God, does not consider any other benefit greater than that, and as a result of which a devotee steady on the path of true bhakti is not shaken even by the deepest sorrow.

यम्, लब्ध्वा, च, अपरम्, लाभम्, मन्यते, न, अधिकम्, ततः,
यस्मिन्, स्थितः, न, दुःखेन, गुरुणा, अपि, विचाल्यते।।22।।

अनुवाद: (यम्) केवल एक पूर्ण परमात्मा की शास्त्रा अनुकूल साधना से एक ही प्रभु पर मन को रोकने वाले साधक जिस (लाभम्) लाभको (लब्ध्वा) प्राप्त होकर (ततः) उससे (अधिकम्) अधिक (अपरम्) दूसरा कुछ भी लाभ (न,मन्यते) नहीं मानता (च) और (यस्मिन्) जिस कारण से (स्थितः) सत्य भक्ति पर अडिग साधक (गुरुणा) बड़े भारी (दुःखेन) दुःखसे (अपि) भी (न, विचाल्यते) चलायमान नहीं होता। (22)