Chapter 6 Verse 34

Chapter 6 Verse 34

Chanchalam, hi, manH, Krishna, pramaathi, balvat, drdam,
Tasya, aham, nigraham, manye, vaayoH, iv, sudushkaram ||34||

Translation: (Hi) because (Krishna) Oh Shri Krishna! This (manH) mind (chanchalam) is very restless (pramaathi) turbulent by nature (drdam) very stubborn and (balvat) powerful; therefore (tasya) it (nigraham) controlling (aham) I (vaayoH) contolling wind (iv) as (sudushkaram) very difficult (manye) believe. (34)


Because oh Shri Krishna! This mind is very restless, turbulent by nature, very stubborn and powerful; therefore, controlling it, I believe, is as difficult as controlling the wind.

चंचलम्, हि, मनः, कृष्ण, प्रमाथि, बलवत्, दृढम्,
तस्य, अहम्, निग्रहम्, मन्ये, वायोः, इव, सुदुष्करम्।।34।।

अनुवाद: (हि) क्योंकि (कृष्ण) हे श्रीकृृष्ण! यह (मनः) मन (चंचलम्) बड़ा चंचल (प्रमाथि) प्रमथन स्वभाववाला (दृृढम्) बड़ा दृढ़ और (बलवत्) बलवान् है। इसलिये (तस्य) उसका (निग्रहम्) वशमें करना (अहम्) मैं (वायोः) वायुको रोकनेकी (इव) भाँति (सुदुष्करम्) अत्यन्त दुष्कर (मन्ये) मानता हूँ। (34)