Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 17

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 17

Jyotishaam’, api, tat’, jyotiH, tamasH, param’, uchyate,
Gyaanm’, gyeyam’, gyaangamyam’, hrdi, sarvasya, vishthitam’ ||17||

Translation: (Tat’) that Purna Brahm (jyotishaam’) of the lights (api) also (jyotiH) light and (tamasH) than the Maya-dhaari Kaal (param’) other (uchyate) is said to be, that God (gyaanm’) is a form of knowledge/is knowledge (gyeyam’) worthy of being known and (gyaangamyam’) worthy of being attained through Tatvgyan [the true spiritual knowledge] and (sarvasya) everyone’s (hrdi) in heart (vishthitam’) is situated in a special way. (17)


That Purna Brahm is said to be even the light of the lights and other than the Maya-dhaari Kaal. That God is (a form of) knowledge, worthy of being known and worthy of being attained through Tatvgyan (True Spiritual Knowledge), and is situated in everyone’s heart in a special way.

ज्योतिषाम्, अपि, तत्, ज्योतिः, तमसः, परम्, उच्यते।
ज्ञानम्, ज्ञेयम्, ज्ञानगम्यम्, हृदि, सर्वस्य, विष्ठितम्।।17।।

अनुवाद: (तत्) वह पूर्णब्रह्म (ज्योतिषाम्) ज्योतियोंका (अपि) भी (ज्योतिः) ज्योति एवं (तमसः) मायाधारी काल से (परम्) अन्य (उच्यते) कहा जाता है वह परमात्मा (ज्ञानम्) बोधस्वरूप (ज्ञेयम्) जाननेके योग्य एवं (ज्ञानगम्यम्) तत्त्वज्ञानसे प्राप्त करनेयोग्य है और (सर्वस्य)सबके(हृदि)हृदयमें (विष्ठितम्)विशेषरूपसे स्थित है। (17)