Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 22

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 22

Updrshta, anumanta, ch, bharta, bhokta, maheshwarH,
Parmatma, iti, ch, api, uktH, dehe, asmin’, purushH, parH ||22||

Translation: (Asmin’) this (dehe api) situated in the body (PurushH) this SatPurush i.e. Purna Brahm, in reality (parH) most superior God is someone other than the giver of the knowledge of Gita i.e. someone else. He only (updrshta) spectator because of being the witness (ch) and (anumanta) because of giving the genuine consent, the permitter (bharta) because of nurturing and protecting everyone, the sustainer (bhokta) the one who experiences because of making the soul experience the results of its actions (maheshwarH) Maheshwar [Greatest God], because of being the Lord of even Brahm and Parbrahm (ch) and (Parmatma) Parmatma (iti) thus (uktH) is called. (22)


This SatPurush i.e. Purna Brahm, also situated in this body, in reality, the most superior God is other than the giver of the knowledge of Gita i.e. is someone else. He only is called the Spectator because of being the witness, the Permitter because of giving the genuine consent, the Sustainer because of nurturing and protecting everyone, and the One who experiences because of making the soul experience the results of its actions, and because of being the Lord of even Brahm and ParBrahm, Maheshwar (the greatest God) and Parmatma. This evidence is also in Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 16-17.

उपद्रष्टा, अनुमन्ता, च, भर्ता, भोक्ता, महेश्वरः।
परमात्मा, इति, च, अपि, उक्तः, देहे, अस्मिन्, पुरुषः, परः।।22।।

अनुवाद: (अस्मिन्) इस (देहे अपि) देहमें भी स्थित (पुरुषः) यह सतपुरुष अर्थात् पूर्ण ब्रह्म वास्तव में (परः) सर्वोपरि प्रभु तो गीता ज्ञान दाता से दूसरा अर्थात् अन्य ही है। वही (उपद्रष्टा) साक्षी होनेसे उपद्रष्टा (च) और (अनुमन्ता) यथार्थ सम्ति देनेवाला होनेसे अनुमन्ता (भर्ता) सबका धारण-पोषण करनेवाला होनेसे भर्ता (भोक्ता) जीवात्मा को भोग भोगवाने के कारण भोक्ता, (महेश्वरः) ब्रह्म व परब्रह्म आदिका भी स्वामी होनेसे महेश्वर (च) और (परमात्मा) परमात्मा (इति) ऐसा (उक्तः) कहा गया है। यही प्रमाण गीता अध्याय 15 श्लोक 16-17 में है। (22)