Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 25

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 25

Anye, tu, evam’, ajaanantH, shrutva, anyebhyaH, upaaste,
Te, api, ch, atitaranti, ev, mrityum’, shrutiparaayanaH ||25||

Translation: (Tu) contrary to this (anye) other than these (evam’) in this way (ajaanantH) not knowing (anyebhyaH) from others i.e. from those men who know the essence (shrutva) on hearing, accordingly (upaaste) worship (ch) and (te) they (shrutiparaayanaH) who follow what they hear (api) also (mrityum’) the death-like ocean of world (atitaranti, ev) certainly, cross beyond. (25)


Contrary to this, others, not knowing in this way, worship according to what they hear from others i.e. from the men who know the essence/truth, and they, who follow what they hear, also certainly cross beyond the death-like ocean of world. Its evidence is also in Gita Adhyay 5 Shlok 4-5.

अन्ये, तु, एवम्, अजानन्तः, श्रुत्वा, अन्येभ्यः, उपासते।
ते, अपि, च, अतितरन्ति, एव, मृत्युम्, श्रुतिपरायणाः।।25।।

अनुवाद: (तु) इसके विपरित (अन्ये) इनसे दूसरे (एवम्) इस प्रकार (अजानन्तः) न जानते हुए (अन्येभ्यः) दूसरोंसे अर्थात् तत्वके जाननेवाले पुरुषोंसे (श्रुत्वा) सुनकर ही तदनुसार (उपासते) उपासना करते हैं (च) और (ते) वे (श्रुतिपरायणाः) कही सुनी मानने वाले (अपि) भी (मृत्युम्) मृृत्युरूप संसारसागरको (अतितरन्ति, एव) निःसन्देह तर जाते हैं। गीता अध्याय 5 श्लोक 4.5 में भी प्रमाण है। (25)