Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 29

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 29

Prkritya, ev, karmaani, kriyamaanaani, sarvashH,
YaH, pashyati, tatha, aatmaanm’, akartaarm’, saH, pashyati ||29||

Translation: (Ch) and (yaH) a devotee who (karmaani) all the actions (sarvashH) in all respects (prkritya) by Prakriti (ev) only (kriyamaanaani) as being performed (pashyati) sees (tatha) and (aatmaanm’) God (akartaarm’) a non-doer (saH) only he, truth (pashyati) sees. (29)


And a devotee who sees all the actions as being performed only by Prakriti in all respects and sees the God as a non-doer, only he sees the truth.

प्रकृत्या, एव, च, कर्माणि, क्रियमाणानि, सर्वशः।
यः, पश्यति, तथा, आत्मानम्, अकर्तारम्, सः, पश्यति।।29।।

अनुवाद: (च) और (यः) जो साधक (कर्माणि) सम्पूर्ण कर्मोंको (सर्वशः) सब प्रकारसे (प्रकृृत्या) प्रकृृतिके द्वारा (एव) ही (क्रियमाणानि) किये जाते हुए (पश्यति) देखता है (तथा) और (आत्मानम्) परमात्माको (अकर्तारम्) अकत्र्ता देखता है (सः) वही यथार्थ (पश्यति) देखता है। (29)