Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 6

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 6

Ichchha, dweshH, sukham’, duHkham’, sanghaatH, chetna, dhrtiH,
Etat’, kshetrm’, samaasen, savikaaram’, udaahrtam’ ||6||

Translation: (Ichchha) desire (dweshH) hatred (sukham’) joy (duHkham’) sorrow (sanghaatH) body of material flesh (chetna) consciousness and (dhrtiH) steadfastness, in this way (savikaaram’) along with the defects (etat’) this (kshetrm’) Kshetr (samaasen) in brief (udaahrtam’) has been described. (6)


Desire, hatred, joy, sorrow, material body / body of material flesh, consciousness and steadfastness, in this way along with the defects this Kshetr has been described.

इच्छा, द्वेषः, सुखम्, दुःखम्, सङ्घातः, चेतना, धृतिः,
एतत्, क्षेत्राम्, समासेन, सविकारम्, उदाहृतम्।।6।।

अनुवाद: (इच्छा) इच्छा (द्वेषः) द्वेष (सुखम्) सुख (दुःखम्) दुःख (सङ्घातः) स्थूल देहका पिण्ड (चेतना) चेतना और (धृतिः) धृृति इस प्रकार (सविकारम्) विकारों के सहित (एतत्) यह (क्षेत्राम्) क्षेत्रा (समासेन) संक्षेपमें (उदाहृतम्) कहा गया है। (6)