Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 9

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 9

AsaktiH, anbhishvan’gH, putrdaargrhaadishu,
Nityam’, ch, samchittvam’, ishtaanishtoppattishu ||9||

Translation: (Puttrdaargrhaadishu) in son-wife-home and wealth etc (askatiH) absence of attachment to (anbhishvan’gH) absence of possessiveness (ch) and (ishtaanishtoppattishu) forgetting Ishtvaadita i.e. the attainment and non-attainment of venerable god or other non-venerable god (nityam’) constant (samchittvam’) equanimity of mind. (9)


Absence of attachment to son, wife, home and wealth etc, absence of possessiveness, and forgetting Ishtvaadita i.e. the attainment and non-attainment of the venerable god and the other non-venerable god, constant equanimity of mind.

असक्तिः, अनभिष्वङ्गः, पुत्रादारगृहादिषु,
नित्यम्, च, समचित्तत्वम्, इष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु।।9।।

अनुवाद: (पुत्रादारगृहादिषु) पुत्रा-स्त्राी-घर और धन आदिमें (असक्तिः) आसक्तिका अभाव (अनभिष्वङ्गः) ममताका न होना (च) तथा (इष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु) उपास्य देव-इष्ट या अन्य अनउपास्य देव की प्राप्ति या अप्राप्ति में अर्थात् इष्टवादिता को भूलकर (नित्यम्) सदा ही (समचित्तत्वम्) चितका सम रहना। (9)