Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17 Verse 15

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17 Verse 15

Anudwegkaram’, vaakyam’, satyam’, priyahitam’, ch, yat’,
Swaadhyaayaabhyasanam’, ch, ev, vaankmayam’, tapH, uchyate ||15||

Translation: (Yat’) that which (anudwegkaram’) does not cause agitation (priyahitam’) is pleasing and beneficial (ch) and (satyam’) true (vaakyam’) is speech (ch) and (swaadhyaay ahyasanam’) study of religious texts and practice of the jaap of the mantra of God (ev) only (vaankmayam’) related to speech (tapH) austerity (uchyate) is said to be. (15)


That which does not cause agitation, is pleasing and beneficial, and is true speech, and study of religious texts, and the practice of the jaap of the mantra of God only is said to be the austerity related to speech.

अनुद्वेगकरम्, वाक्यम्, सत्यम्, प्रियहितम्, च, यत्,
स्वाध्यायाभ्यसनम्, च, एव, वाङ्मयम्, तपः, उच्यते।।15।।

अनुवाद: (यत्) जो (अनुद्वेगकरम्) उद्वेग न करनेवाला (प्रियहितम्) प्रिय और हितकारक (च) एवं (सत्यम्) यथार्थ (वाक्यम्) भाषण है (च) तथा जो (स्वाध्याय अभ्यसनम्) धार्मिक-शास्त्रोंके पठनका एवं परमेश्वरके नाम जापका अभ्यास (एव) ही (वाङ्मयम्) वाणीसम्बन्धी (तपः) तप (उच्यते) कहा जाता है। (15)

केवल हिन्दी अनुवाद: जो उद्वेग न करनेवाला प्रिय और हितकारक एवं यथार्थ भाषण है तथा जो धार्मिक-शास्त्रोंके पठनका एवं परमेश्वरके नाम जापका अभ्यास ही वाणीसम्बन्धी तप कहा जाता है। (15)