Vistren, aatmanH, yogm, vibhootim, ch, janaardan,
BhooyH, kathay, trptiH, hi, shrnvatH, na, asti, me, amrtam ||18||
Translation: (Janaardan) O Janardan! (aatmanH) your (yogm) yogic power (ch) and (vibhootim) glory (bhooyH) again/nevertheless (vistren) in detail (kathay) tell (hi) because your (amrtam) nectar-like words (shrnvatH) by hearing (me) my (trptiH) satisfaction (na) not (asti) is i.e. the desire to hear remains. (18)
O Janardan! Again/Nevertheless tell about your yogic power and glory in detail because I am not satisfied by hearing your nectar-like words i.e. the desire to hear remains.
विस्तरेण, आत्मनः, योगम्, विभूतिम्, च, जनार्दन,
भूयः, कथय, तृप्तिः, हि, श्रृण्वतः, न, अस्ति, मे, अमृृतम्।।18।।
अनुवाद: (जनार्दन) हे जनार्दन! (आत्मनः) अपनी (योगम्) योगशक्तिको (च) और (विभूतिम्) विभूतिको (भूयः) फिर भी (विस्तरेण) विस्तारपूर्वक (कथय) कहिये (हि) क्योंकि आपके (अमृतम्) अमृतमय वचनांेको (श्रृण्वतः) सुनते हुए (मे) मेरी (तृप्तिः) तृृप्ति (न) नहीं होती अर्थात् (अस्ति) सुननेकी उत्कण्ठा बनी ही रहती है। (18)