Aham, aatma, gudaakesh, sarvbhootaashaysthitH,
Aham, aadiH, ch, madhyam, ch, bhootaanam, antH, ev, ch ||20||
Translation: (Gudaakesh) O Arjun! (aham) I (sarvbhootaashaysthitH) situated in all living beings (aatma) am the soul i.e. the soul dances to the tune of Kaal, therefore this has been said (ch) and (bhootaanam) all the living beings (aadiH) beginning (madhyam) middle (ch) and (antH) end (ch) also (aham) I (ev) am alone. (20)
O Arjun! I am the soul situated in all the living beings i.e. the soul dances to the tune of Kaal, therefore this has been said. And I alone am the beginning, middle and end of all the living beings.
अहम्, आत्मा, गुडाकेश, सर्वभूताशयस्थितः,
अहम्, आदिः, च, मध्यम्, च, भूतानाम्, अन्तः, एव, च।।20।।
अनुवाद: (गुडाकेश) हे अर्जुन! (अहम्) मैं (सर्वभूताशयस्थितः) सब प्राणियों मंे स्थित (आत्मा) आत्मा हूँ अर्थात् आत्मा काल इशारे पर नाचती है इसलिए कहा है (च) तथा (भूतानाम्) सम्पूर्ण प्राणियों का (आदिः) आदि, (मध्यम्) मध्य (च) और (अन्तः) अन्त (च) भी (अहम्) मैं (एव) ही हूँ। (20)