Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 21

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 21

Aadityaanam, aham, vishnuH, jyotisham, raviH, anshumaan,
MareechiH, marutaam, asmi, nakshatraanaam, aham, shashi ||21||

Translation: (Aham) I (aadityanam) among the twelve sons of Aditi (vishnuH) Vishnu and (jyotisham) among the lights (anshumaan) radiant (raviH) sun (asmi) am and (aham) I (marutaam) of the fourty-nine wind-gods (mareechiH) brilliance / swiftness (nakshatraanam) of the stars (shashi) lord, moon. (21)


I am Vishnu among the twelve sons of Aditi and am the radiant sun among the lights and I am the brilliance/swiftness of the forty-nine wind-gods and am the lord moon of the stars.

आदित्यानाम्, अहम्, विष्णुः, ज्योतिषाम्, रविः, अंशुमान्,
मरीचिः, मरुताम्, अस्मि, नक्षत्राणाम्, अहम्, शशी।।21।।

अनुवाद: (अहम्) मैं (आदित्यानाम्) अदितिके बारह पुत्रोंमें (विष्णुः) विष्णु और (ज्योतिषाम्) ज्योतियोंमें (अंशुमान्) किरणोंवाला (रविः) सूर्य (अस्मि) हूँ तथा (अहम्) मैं (मरुताम्) उनचास वायुदेवताओंका (मरीचिः) तेज और (नक्षत्राणाम्) नक्षत्रोंका (शशी) अधिपति चन्द्रमा। (21)