Chapter 10 Verse 23

Chapter 10 Verse 23

Rudranam, shankarH, ch, asmi, vitteshH, yakshrakshsam,
Vasoonam, paavakH, ch, asmi, meruH, shikhrinam, aham ||23||

Translation: (Rudranam) among the eleven Rudras (shankarH) Shankar (asmi) I am (ch) and (yakshrakshsam) among the Yakshas and Rakshas (vitteshH) I am Kuber, the lord of wealth (aham) I am (vasoonam) among the eight Vasus (paavakH) fire (asmi) I am (ch) and (shikhrinam) among the peaked mountains (meruH) Sumeru mountain. (23)


Among the eleven Rudras I am Shankar, and among the Yakshas and Rakshas I am Kuber, the lord of wealth; I am fire among the eight Vasus and I am the Sumeru mountain among the peaked mountains.

रुद्राणाम्, शंकरः, च, अस्मि, वित्तेशः, यक्षरक्षसाम्,
वसूनाम्, पावकः, च, अस्मि, मेरुः, शिखरिणाम्, अहम्।।23।।

अनुवाद: (रुद्राणाम्) एकादश रुद्रोंमें (शंकरः) शंकर (अस्मि) हूँ (च) और (यक्षरक्षसाम्) यक्ष तथा राक्षसोंमें (वित्तेशः) धनका स्वामी कुबेर हूँ (अहम्) मैं (वसूनाम्) आठ वसुओंमें (पावकः) अग्नि (अस्मि) हूँ (च) और (शिखरिणाम्) शिखरवाले पर्वतोंमें (मेरुः) सुमेरु पर्वत। (23)