Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 3

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 3

YaH, mam, ajam, anaadim, ch, vetti, lokmaheshwaram,
AsammoodH, saH, matryeshu, sarvpapaeH, prmuchyate ||3||

Translation: (YaH) a learned person who (mam) me (ch) and (anaadim) the Everlasting i.e. Primordial (ajam) Unborn (lok maheshwaram) the Great God of all the loks i.e. the Greatest God (vetti) knows (saH) he (matryeshu) who knows the scriptures in the right way i.e. who has the knowledge of the scriptures, among men (asammoodH) knowledgeable i.e. a Tatvdarshi scholar by doing sadhna[1] based on Tatvgyan[2] (sarvpapaeH) from all the sins (prmuchyate) becomes free from; that person only speaks about sins in detail i.e. he only gives a correct description of the knowledge of creation and actions i.e. liberates one completely from ignorance. (3)


A learned person who knows me and the Everlasting i.e. Primordial, Unborn, the Great God of all the loks i.e. the Greatest God, he who knows the scriptures in the right way i.e who has the knowledge of the scriptures, knowledgeable among men i.e. a Tatvdarshi scholar, by doing sadhna based on Tatvgyan becomes free from all the sins. That person only speaks about sins in detail i.e. he only gives a correct description of the knowledge of creation and actions i.e. liberates one completely from ignorance.

यः, माम्, अजम्, अनादिम्, च, वेत्ति, लोकमहेश्वरम्,
असम्मूढः, सः, मत्र्येषु, सर्वपापैः,प्रमुच्यते।।3।।

अनुवाद: (यः) जो विद्धान व्यक्ति (माम्) मुझको (च) तथा (अनादिम्) सदा रहने वाले अर्थात् पुरातन (अजम्) जन्म न लेने वाले (लोक महेश्वरम्) सर्व लोकों के महान ईश्वर अर्थात् सर्वोंच्च परमेश्वर को (वेत्ति) जानता है (सः) वह (मत्र्येषु) शास्त्रों को सही जानने वाला अर्थात् वेदों के अनुसार ज्ञान रखने वाला मनुष्यों में (असम्मूढः) ज्ञानवान अर्थात् तत्वदर्शी विद्वान् तत्वज्ञान के आधार से सत्य साधना करके(सर्वपापैः) सम्पूर्ण पापों से (प्रमुच्यते) मुक्त हो जाता है वही व्यक्ति पापों के विषय में विस्तृत वर्णन के साथ कहता है अर्थात् वही सृृष्टि ज्ञान व कर्मों का सही वर्णन करता है अर्थात् अज्ञान से पूर्ण रूप से मुक्त कर देता है। (3)

[1] Religious practice / worship

[2] True Spiritual Knowledge / Complete knowledge