Sargaanaam, aadiH, antH, ch, madhyam, ch, ev, aham, Arjun,
Adhyatmvidhya, vidhyaanam, vaadH, prvadtaam, aham ||32||
Translation: (Arjun) O Arjun! (sargaanaam) of the natures/creations (aadiH) beginning (ch) and (antH) end (ch) and (madhyam) even the middle (aham) I (ev) only. (aham) I (vidhyaanam) among the studies (adhyaatmvidhya) Adhyatmvidhya i.e. Brahm vidhya / study of Brahm and (prvadtaam) of those who debate among themselves (vaadH) the dialogue to bring out the true conclusion. (32)
O Arjun! I only am the beginning and end and even the middle of the natures/creations. Of all the studies I am Adhyatmvidhya (spiritual study) i.e. Brahmvidhya (study of Brahm) and I am the dialogue between those who debate among themselves to bring out the true conclusion.
सर्गाणाम्, आदिः, अन्तः, च, मध्यम्, च, एव, अहम्, अर्जुन,
अध्यात्मविद्या, विद्यानाम्, वादः, प्रवदताम्, अहम्।।32।।
अनुवाद: (अर्जुन) हे अर्जुन! (सर्गाणाम्) सृष्टियोंका (आदिः) आदि (च) और (अन्तः) अन्त (च) तथा (मध्यम्) मध्य भी (अहम्) मैं (एव) ही हूँ। (अहम्) मैं (विद्यानाम्) विद्याओंमें (अध्यात्मविद्या) अध्यात्मविद्या अर्थात् ब्रह्मविद्या और (प्रवदताम्) परस्पर विवाद करनेवालोंका (वादः) तत्व-निर्णयके लिये किया जानेवाला वाद हूँ। (32)