Chapter 10 Verse 33

Chapter 10 Verse 33

Aksharaanaam, akaarH, asmi, dvandvH, saamaasikasya, ch,
Aham, ev, akshayH, kaalH, dhaata, aham, vishvatomukhH ||33||

Translation: (Aham) I (aksharaanaam) among the letters (akaarH) am Omkaar (ch) and (saamaasikasya) among the compound words (dvandvH) compound named Dvandv (asmi) am (akshayH) never-ending (kaalH) Kaal and (vishvatomukhH) the ‘Viraat’ appearance with faces in all directions (dhaata) one who acquires (aham) I (ev) only. (33)


I am Omkaar among the letters and I am the samaas (compound) named Dvandv among the smaasas (compound words); the never-ending Kaal, and I only am one who acquires the ‘Viraat’ appearance with faces in all the directions.

अक्षराणाम्, अकारः, अस्मि, द्वन्द्वः, सामासिकस्य, च,
अहम्, एव, अक्षयः, कालः, धाता, अहम्, विश्वतोमुखः।।33।।

अनुवाद: (अहम्) मैं (अक्षराणाम्) अक्षरोंमें (अकारः) ओंकार हूँ (च) और (सामासिकस्य) समासोंमें (द्वन्द्वः) द्वन्द्व नाम समास (अस्मि) हूँ, (अक्षयः) समाप्त न होने वाला (कालः) काल तथा (विश्वतोमुखः) सब ओर मुखवाला विराट्स्वरूप (धाता) धारण करनेवाला भी (अहम्) मैं (एव) ही। (33)