Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 6

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 6

MaharshayH, sapt, poorve, chatvaarH, manavH, tatha,
MadbhaavaH, maansaH, jaataH, yeshaam, loke, imaH, prjaH ||6||

Translation: (Sapt) seven (maharshayH) great sages (chatvaarH) the four (poorve) before them, Sanakadi (tatha) and (manavH) fourteen Manus such as Swaayambhuv (madbhaavaH) who have faith in me / are engrossed in me, all these (maansaH) by my will (jaataH) have originated (yeshaam) whose (loke) in the world (imaH) this (prjaH) whole population. (6)


The seven great sages and the four Sanakadi before them and the fourteen Manus such as Swaayambhuv, all these who have faith in me have originated by my will, who have all this population in the world.

महर्षयः, सप्त, पूर्वे, चत्वारः, मनवः, तथा,
मद्भावाः, मानसाः, जाताः, येषाम्, लोके,इमाः,प्रजाः।।6।।

अनुवाद: (सप्त) सात (महर्षयः) महर्षिजन (चत्वारः) चार उनसे भी (पूर्वे) पूर्व होनेवाले सनकादि (तथा) तथा (मनवः) स्वायम्भुव आदि चैदह मनु ये (मद्भावाः) मुझमें भाववाले सब के सब (मानसाः) मेरे संकल्पसे (जाताः) उत्पन्न हुए हैं (येषाम्) जिनकी (लोके) संसारमें (इमाः) यह (प्रजाः) सम्पूर्ण प्रजा है। (6)